Podcast Sarajevo, crónicas de escombros
No Me Grites is a platform for cultural content, which produces audiovisual creations, radio and live events. Sarajevo is a podcast of society, politics and culture, intertwining current affairs with music and literature. Every week we share a new capsule that circulates on the platform, on the radio of the National University of Córdoba and on the official social networks of NMG.
Sound editing (2020)
Sound and music for film
Realization of sound technique (recording, editing and mixing) at "La Alianza"
Director: Moroco Colman IMDb
Official selection: Sapporo International Short Film Festival. Japan 2009
Official selection: UNCIPAR Festival 2009
Realization of sound technique (recording, editing and mixing) and collaboration in music in "Amerita" (Ibero-American Seminar on Socio-Economic Studies Manuel Ugarte)
Realization of sound technique (recording, editing and mixing) and music in "The Crimes of Morgue Street", final work of a film degree at the National University of Córdoba.
Realization of sound technique (recording, editing and mixing) in "Secrets" - a beer advertisement. Brand: Salta
Director: Moroco Colman IMDb
Official selection: Sapporo International Short Film Festival. Japan 2009
Official selection: UNCIPAR Festival 2009
Realization of sound technique (recording, editing and mixing) and collaboration in music in "Amerita" (Ibero-American Seminar on Socio-Economic Studies Manuel Ugarte)
Realization of sound technique (recording, editing and mixing) and music in "The Crimes of Morgue Street", final work of a film degree at the National University of Córdoba.
Realization of sound technique (recording, editing and mixing) in "Secrets" - a beer advertisement. Brand: Salta
Stage and illuminator in a festival organized by La Comète: "Chatô Bruyant". Geneva, Switzerland (2011)
Scenography, lighting and Vjing in the "SetUp" cycle at Peekaboo club and at the «Santa Kitsch» cycle, Dorian Gray. Argentina (2010)
Scenography, lighting and Vjing in the "SetUp" cycle at Peekaboo club and at the «Santa Kitsch» cycle, Dorian Gray. Argentina (2010)
Jazz DJ in the improvisation cycle «JAM Es lo que hay» at 990 Arte Club (2010)