Muscae Volitantes
Visual arts project that integrates different disciplines: VJing, Mapping, Live Digital Drawing, Architecture, etc. (2017 - present)

Some performances:

In a society obsessed with the cult of the body and physical beauty, we wonder what would happen if we looked carefully at a real reflection, instead of through a screen with filters and masks. What would we find in that true image? If our cellphone screens were the reflection of a deep pond, millions of Narcissuses would die daily. We freely reinterpret the history of mythology to seek an answer, and who knows, maybe find a way out."Reflections" is an audiovisual set where from the footage of the performance by Gabriela Beltramino, the duo Muscae Volitantes realize a live set of videos plus digital drawing and animations in real time. This set is in constant dialogue with the music played live by Berenice Llorens.
LPM (Live Performers Meeting). Münster, Germany (04/15/2023)

Check your privileges
The gentle flapping of European privileges causes terrible catastrophes in Latin America.
Years go by but the problems remain the same (or worse). From the lithium in the batteries of cell phones, laptops, to the scooter they rent to walk less. From the coffee, the quinoa or the organic avocado they buy in the Bio Company to the cocaine they sniff at Berghain. An endless list of "harmless" products of habitual consumption here in Germany, unleash the worst evils in Latin America. For some to have, others must lack. In 2 sentences that are over 40 years old by the Argentine Atahualpa Yupanqui and the Uruguayan Eduardo Galeano, we propose a reflection on the day-to-day privileges of Berlin society.
This piece was selected in the "Speakers Corner" guerilla projections call, carried out by VJ Open Lab.
The projections were made in different streets of the city of Berlin, November 2021.

Postkarten aus der Quarantäne
Series of footage recorded from the 20th of quarantine onwards through binoculars from
our apartment in Prenzlauer Berg, Berlin.
We reflected on how the confinement affects us (even here where the rigor of the norm is
quite lax), the uncertainty, the fear, the boredom, the pressures of being productive even
in times of global economic collapse, etc.
The conditions of isolation put us on this side of the lens to aseptically know our closest
visual neighbors, to im
agine their lives, to think about ourselves.
The texts we have selected have been produced by diffe
rent people, also in this period.
Berlin, Germany (April 2020)
INTRO20, Trobada Online de Cultura i Creació Digitals. Barcelona, Spain. (May 2020)

Set made from films of the 33rd celebration of the virgin of Urkupiña (Cba., Arg. 2018)
emphasizing the devotion of the dancers and not the figure of the saint. It focuses on two
elements that are not common in the record of this type of celebration: the shots and the
By means of drawings we accentuate the characteristics and work with the aesthetics
loaded with colors and details that are typical of the clothing of these Bolivian and Argentinean
dance groups.
LPM (Live Performers Meeting). Rome, Italy (4/5/2019)

Work that put a question in the directions of the exercise of power in the processes of
syncretism and we pay homage to the Andean Carnival using as a support the walls of the
European city Perugia, which was once formally part of the Papal State.
Perugia, Italy (03/03/2019)

“Astral travel” Set presented in the special edition of the hundred functions of the “Astral,
música a ciegas” cycle in Espacio 75, Centro Cultural Alta Córdoba.
Córdoba, Argentina (06/07/2018)

“¿Nosotrxs? ¿Racistas?”
“¿We? ¿Racist?” it is the title of this space to enable questions about the historical conditions
of racialization, how discriminatory processes are composed, what social places we
question. Made in Cocina de Culturas, Córdoba.
Organized by Centro de Investigaciones María Saleme de Burnichón y Secretaría de
Extensión de la FFyH- Universidad Nacional de Córdoba, Diplomatura en Políticas Culturales
para el Desarrollo Local y Secretaría de Extensión de la Facultad de Artes. Cocina de
Culturas, Fundación Electroingeniería. Córdoba, Argentina (05/30/2018)
Mehr erfinden
Video editing (teaser and full performance)
"Mehr erfinden" (discovering more) is a queerfeminist pleasure performance by the newly founded art collective @vincibi_ausch. It was first presented live at a cultural academy by the German foundation 'Studienstiftung des deutschen Volkes' in Weimar, september 2019. It will soon be released in video form as part of the association IQUS e.V.(Initiative for Queer Solidarity) artivism portfolio, an association which aims to connect queer and feminist artists and activists from Germany and Argentina.
Visual intervention (VJing/mapping) in performance “Ingravidez”, juggle / Contemporary Theatre.
Performed in Bataclana Espacio Cultural (2010)

The end of the Myth of Sisyphus
Video art piece presented at the Catholic University of Córdoba and at the VideoFest that took place at Chateau Carreras Contemporary Art Centre. Also participated in the BANG Festival 2009 in Barcelona.

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